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Turns out, when it comes to current Ranking Factors, the experts make no mention of article/page length.
However, an interesting note is that in a study of over 1,000,000 articles, those that were less than 1000 words were shared/liked less than those that were greater than 1000 words, with the longer posts being the most shared and most liked.
So yes, there is great value in lengthy posts. But at what cost to the blogger?
Get and Stay in Shape
I commonly relate blogging to getting into and staying in shape.
Let’s use running as an example.
Try running 1 or 2 miles a day, every day, and you can make that a habit that sticks, and yields results.
Try running 10 miles in a day. Now get up and do it again tomorrow, and the next day. For almost all of us, that’s not going to happen.
Now try doing it once a week (running 10 miles).
You might last a month before there’s a reason to take a week off. Then you miss another week… and soon the habit is dead, and so are the results.
Achieving blogging success requires establishing a habit.
The most important thing you can do to be a good blogger is to hit publish.
Struggling to reach word counts is a hindrance to production.
I want you to see results. I want you to get an audience to read you, and trust yTest w quote
1. Highest Level for this Floorplan – a and. Aojasad . This was built by BosaBosa Development.
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